Sunday, September 23, 2007

Internet Problem

Internet problem!!! =(

Tuesday, September 18, 2007




Kean Way

Chen Yee & Catherine

Kok Jiunn


Mark & Hui Lin



I kill a man with "this thumb'

Study mode

So dramatic

Madeliene & Chen Yee

Inter College CF RAlly 07

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Worst Day

Whoa! Worst day in college. Yesterday, I had a presentation and I screwed up. Thirty minutes before, I did checking of the slides. And the pictures did not come out in sequence. So frustrating, and the three of us were cramming to one com. So i have to squad, and led the ladies sit. In the end, we decided to delete some pictures.

After I got up, I walk out of the Com lab. Few steps later, My leather shoe cracked open!!! Oh crap! My left shoe-punya-base tercabut! Argh! I told my group members and then quickly went to the class room to prepare. As I went up slowly, then it came out. Worst of all, my lecturer saw it. o.O What could be worse!? I quickly went in the room with this bengang feeling. And everything just did not went well. We had a quiz before my presentation. My mind was not concentrating on the quiz but on how would I perform later. In the end, both my base shoes came off. And it really disturb me and my presentation.

After finish, my lecturer gave comments. She sympathize me because of my incident, and my whole classmates knew bout it btw. I Have a clear voice, good pronouncing, but my tie was too small and short. Well its the only tie I have which does not have big stripes on it(ties with stripes is a no no)

Today, I got back my results for both my presentation and quiz. I scored 6/10 of my quiz and 35.5/50 for my presentation. Thank God for both my marks. Seems that the highest for presentation in my class is 38. Well I really thank God, that He take cares of my worries. God was really there for me.

(you're finally 18 =_=")
haha kidding

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Few more weeks

Yes, few more weeks more and its the end of Sem 1. So fast rite? Its already been 4 months since i started college. My finals will be end of this month. And then 2 weeks of break, and Sem 2 comes in.

Bit worried about my presentations and assignments. Having Eng presentation something to do with public awareness. Well, my group chose to do self-defense.

Here's the storyline. 2 girls after shopping realizes they had to rush back home. So they decided to use a short cut. Then a guy comes and demand for their shopping and handbags. They struggled, and they gave up. Narrator comes in and say, "This is what happens if we do not know self-defense. Lets take a look what WILL happen if we do apply them." So the scene repeats, but this time the 2 girls will beat him out KAO KAO. Narrator then gives the moral of the story.

And I will be playing the role of .............................. (drum roll) The narrator!

We also needed it in printed advertisement FYI.

Second, I will be having my Human Communication presentation on non-verbals specific to a culture not your own. So my group and I decide to choose Botswana. Miss Malini said that it will be boring if we had chosen Japanese, since all the other classes did the same. So we choose the be special =) We still have to crack our brains and find info cos its so hard to find. I really wanna do well in this subject cos its the hardest of all. My assignment for this I got 5.25 / 10 zzzz so disappointed. That's why I'm gonna give 100% to this. Then my 10 week journals and 6 articles will need to hand up my next Fri. I have done all the journals and 2 articles. Hope that I can finish them in time.

Then, I'm also having Malaysian Studies presentation and assignments. They are actually combine together. Don't really care bout this subject. zzz

Hehe, well I'm doing great with Acc. Not much to worry. Microeconomics, I will need to study it more cos the technical part starts to come in.

Really miss all my high school friends. Am really looking forward if there's some get together. (which I had planned on Merdeka to watch movie, but all seem busy =S )