Thursday, May 10, 2007

Driving KAO TIM!!

Yay! I'm finally done with my driving lessons and exam. I pass my undang at first try. Well for my exam at the litar, i failed at the bukit. Yes THE bukit.. but i pass on the road.. thank God.. So i had to take lessons for one more time and come back the next week... I just sat today.. And it was so frustrating... Since I'm retaking it, we will be doing it first.. but then i just waited at the hall whereas i suppose to wait at the station, not my fault though.. Cos the teachers told me to wait after handing in my form. So wait until suddenly there was an announcement and they called me.. To cut it short, i just quickly went to the car and drove.. But then mati engine... 2 times some more, but luckily they examiner was not looking, drove to the hill and i stopped to early. so have to reverse and go again.. Luckily I pass!! Praise God.. Parking on 3 pointer went well too.. Yay!!

So now i will have to wait for a week for the P license to come out.

0 Fe3dBAcK: