Saturday, July 14, 2007


Today is the day. Subang Rally. Just a few thoughts to myself. Recently, I am not involve in Subang Rally. According to my bro, I'm a adviser. But i only have attend meeting once or twice. Bro didn't call me up for the meetings and I seem to be all BUSY going KL with grandma.

And the weird part is suddenly I have been ask to to registration for the other schools. I mean, "Shouldn't someone else should be doing the job?" And I have to collect all the school's list and handle? lead for today registration. In others words, I'm basically almost doing what I am doing last 2 years. Head of registration.

No offense. But shouldn't' THIS years' head do the job? What is the person doing anyway. And the name tags were done just 2 days ago by my family members. So disorganized. Right now, I'm already have to print out the list and to brief the other school's representatives later.

Oh well, the point is at least I'm not doing in for men, but is only for God. God deserves all praise and everything I have I surrender to him. Praise the Lord.

Rally is in a couple of hours. Please pray along for the rally. This year's rally needs a lot of prayers and only God will take control. Hope to hear from me soon about the rally. Am really looking forward to it. yay!

0 Fe3dBAcK: